Soul Support Readings Will help you:
Find clarity and a new point of view about your current challenges
Explore new possibilities for manifesting your Soul Purposes
Receive Divine Guidance about anything and everything that’s on your mind
You’ve already taken a giant step towards Spiritual enlightenment by accessing your Soul Signature via your Email/and or Alignment Reading. You are now conscious of your Divine gifts and soul purposes, and have a glimpse of all that is possible.
The purpose and value of these readings is to help you to see and know yourself from your Soul's perspective. They illuminate your understanding of your growth opportunities, expressed through your current challenges and concerns.
They are designed to help you tap into the power of the Akashic Records for healing, clarity, and loving guidance,
All challenges on Earth are spiritual opportunities to become your most loving self, and these readings are the perfect modality to help you get there.
Prioritizing your happiness and well-being is important, because it is exactly what is required to live a meaningful and joyful life on Earth.
How it Works
Readings start with intention. What would you like to gain from this uplifting experience? Take some time to tune into your most pressing questions.
What concerns do you have about your relationships, health, money, work, creative expression, family of origin, or your contribution in the world?
Questions can be about anything and everything, but the best questions begin with what, why, or how. Those questions lead to answers filled with deep meaning and understanding, Do your best to avoid yes or no questions because their value is limited. Rank your questions in order of importance and bring those to your session.
Readings begin with a silent prayer, which prepares me to channel messages from the Akashic Records that will help you take a deep dive into your concerns. I will then channel illuminating, transformative information that will help you bring your soul purposes to life.
Please Note
These readings differ from psychic and tarot card readings in that they do not predict your future. However, the Akashic Records is the perfect place to receive guidance and direction that will help you create the life you desire.
Although I am intuitive, I am not a psychic medium and the goal of these sessions is not to bring forth loved ones who have passed. Although they sometimes visit during a session, it is usually for a short time to deliver a message that relates to your intentions.
This session is not past life regression. Past lives that are relevant to your current challenges are sometimes revealed in a Soul Support Session, but that is not the primary goal.